Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

Discussion text

Jargon of Pekanbaru
In this era,every city has the jargon.Jargon is one of identity for its city or area.But,in Pekanbaru changes the jargon still happen pro and contra between Pekanbaru kota Bertuah and Pekanbaru kota Madani.
Some people think that no problem if the jargon of Pekanbaru changes be Madani because,that only the name for Pekanbaru.And Madani is good name too for Pekanbaru.And naming of Madani will not bad impact to the creativities,idea,and anything because this is common thing.
However others disagree.They claim that jargon not only the name that give for a city,but the jargon must be accountable.If Pekanbaru kota Bertuah changes be Pekanbaru kota Madani,it will be difficult for accountable,because the fact,according data in Pekanbaru,the highest case in Pekanbaru is drugs and sexual harassment.Pekanbaru must clean from immoral if want to change the jargon be Madani.
I think,Pekanbaru kota Bertuah and Pekanbaru kota Madani are good names for Pekanbaru.We must only accountable the name that has given.And this jargon will be pray for Pekanbaru to be better and more advanced in its goals.

Report text

Istana Siak Sri Indrapura
            Istana Siak Sri Indrapura is remains of palace by Kesultanan Siak that is the biggest kingdom in Riau.Istana Siak Sri Indrapura built in 1889 Sultan Syarif Hasyim period by Architect from Jerman.The palace finish to built in 1893.In the past,this palace is used as Sultan siak’s official residence.
            Architectural style of istana siak has blend architectural style of Malay,Arabic and Europe.In the gate,there is decoration a pair of eagle strike with sharp eyes like keep watch all of people who enter to palace area.
            Istana Siak consist of two floors.Every corner of the building there is pillar round,while at the end of the top there is decoration of eagle.All of the doors and windows domic with glass mosaic.In the downstairs there are six room that function for the guest and court room.Inside it,there is the main room that consist of the front room of the palace,room right side,room left side and back room.While in the upstairs there are nine room that function for the rest of Sultan,Sultan’s family and guests the kingdom.
            But now,because government of siak kingdom has ended,the palace is used for tourism place and invite the visitors to look greatness and splendor of Siak kingdom in the past.

Jumat, 04 November 2016

Diamond in the life

Shela Safhira adalah anak dari bapak Een Handoko Lubis dan Mila Kusuma.Baginya,kedua orangtuanya adalah semangat untuknya.Salah satunya adalah sang ayah.Ini bisa dilihat dari semangatnya kuliah yang menempuh jarak yang cukup jauh dari Garuda Sakti ke Rumbai.

Ayah Shela sekarang berumur 57 tahun.Di usia ini dia masih semangat untuk bekerja karena ia masih mempunyai dua anak lagi untuk dibiayainya tetapi ia sudah cukup senang karena tiga anak sulungnya sudah bisa hidup mandiri dan bahkan sudah ada yang berumah tangga.

Ayah shela bekerja sebagai seorang mekanik mobil.Setiap hari ia bekerja memperbaiki mobil yang rusak,yang mana ia harus teliti dalam mengerjakannya agar tidak terjadi kesalahan.Karena jika terjadi kesalah,ia harus bekerja lebih keras lagi dalam memperbaikinya,belum lagi ia harus menghadapi mesin yang panas dan terkadang tangan dan pakaiannya kotor terkena oli.Ini salah satu hal yang membuat shela semakin semangat dalam belajar dan mengejar cita-citanya

Ayah Shela libur disetiap hari minggu,inilah waktu untuknya beristirahat dan berkumpul bersama keluarga di rumah.Terkadang ayahnya sakit karena terlalu capek bekerja selain itu ayahnya juga menderita penyakit jantung sehingga membuatnya lebih mudah sakit,karena sakitnya yang dating tiba-tiba.
Ayah shela adalah seorang ayah yang tegas dalam mendidik anak-anaknya,mungkin ini lah hal yang membuat shela tumbuh menjadi anak yang mandiri dan tidak menjadi anak yang manja.Ini juga yang membuat shela semangat kuliah dengan jarak yang jauh tanpa mengeluh,ini semua berkat didikan ayahnya yang tegas.

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016


Shela Safhira is collage student in Lancang Kuning University.Shela is a simple girl.She has never used complicated clothes or used complicated make up.She just used a lipstick and if you talk with her,she just responds with simple.But although she is simple,she has several achievement.Her achievement start from education elementary.who know that shela is a simple girl like with mathematics.That day,she more understand about mathematics,she always learn hard about mathematics,her afford make her to chosen by her teacher to follow olimpiade of mathematics se Riau.she is very happy because she can deputize her school to follow this competition.At the time,she is in class 5.she is ten or eleven years old.She did not get the champion but she got range 60 from 400 participants.Initially,she feel disappointed with herself but she think again althogh she doesn’t win,she keep spirit to learn and this is make her to learn again and try to look out because many people more smart.But she keep proud to herself  because she can got range 60 not the last.And she luck because she can learn about mathematics in depth and add the knowledge and new smart friend.

Shela melanjutkan sekolahnya di SMP 23 Pekanbaru.Di sekolah baru ini shela mulai menemukan bakat baru nya,namun kali ini bukan dibidang akademik tetapi non akademik yaitu karate.Shela sering melihat orang lain latihan karate,karena merasa tertarik dengan karate,ia pun bergabung dengan pelatihan karate tersebut.Saat itu ia sering mengikuti latihan karate di sekolah nya.Sampai suatu hari ada perlombaan karate se kota Pekanbaru,karena shela rajin berlatih dan kemampuannya pun bagus,akhirnya ia di pilih untuk mengikuti perlombaan tersebut.Ia merasa senang namun ada juga perasaan takut,tetapi ia mencoba menghilangkan rasa takut tersebut.Ia mengikuti perlombaan dengan baik but once again,she can’t got the winner because many people to be lawan berat nya pada saat itu.But she keep to proud with herself because she gave kepercayaan from school.And hal lain that make she luck is she can protect herself from anything because she has karate knowledge.Selain karate shela juga mengikuti dance di sekolahnya.Pada saat smp itu ia memang aktif di bidang olahraga dan seni.Group dance shela juga aktif dalam mengikuti perlombaan.Walaupun saat itu shela masih SMP,tapi shela tetap aktif.Tetapi sayangnya ia tidak menang di dance competition.Walaupun tidak menang,ia tetap bangga,karena ia melakukan hal yang memang dia sukai.

After she graduated from SMP 23 Pekanbaru,dia melanjutkan studi nya ke SMA 12 Pekanbaru,Di sini ia mulai mengurangi kegiatannya,dia hanya mengikuti tari saja.in the school,she had a group of dance.Two times in a week she practice her dance to be a good action.Because she is diligent and tekun dalam kegiatannya akhirnya ia and his group di utus untuk mengikuti perlombaan dance.But,kali ini she was not disappointed because she got the winner.Ini adalah usahanya yang tidak pernah menyerah dalam suatu hal,walaupun di perlombaan sebelumnya ia selalu tidak mendapatkan juara,tetapi dengan sifatnya yang tidak pernah menyerah,ia berhasil mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan. she is very like dance but now in university,she can’t follow this activities because she tidak di perbolehkan untuk bergerak yang dapat membuat nya letih,because sebelumnya ia pernah di operasi di daerah perut.Memang ia sedikit kecewa dengan ini But,she can melanjutkan aktivitas nya in the others bidang yang tidak membuat nya cepat letih dan berusaha untuk menyukai hal tersebut.


Shela Safhira or called shela was born on September 13 1996 in Pekanbaru.She live in Garuda Sakti jalan Satria,Panam,Pekanbaru. she is fourth child of five childrens from Een Handoko Lubis and Mila Kusuma.her father is 57 years old and her mother is 47 years old.Her father is auto mechanics and her mother is house wife.She has three old brother those are Indra Pratama,Andri Lesmana,Tria Siswanda and she has one young brother that is Ryan Saputra.

Shela has many name,she often get the wrong name in the akte,raport,kartu keluarga and ktp.In the akte her name is Saela Safhira, this has impact to her raport in elementary school but the lucky her name in the ijazah elementary school until senior high school is Shela Shafira and her akte in change with a true name.Evidently,in her kk,her name wrong too,that is Shela Safnira.and than the name change again but in KTP her name wrong again she has changed the name but it did not finish until now.

She start her education from TK Wanita Mulya.she completed her elementary education in SDN 017 kecamatan Tampan,Pekanbaru,and than she join to SMPN 23 Pekanbaru during three years.After that,she join to SMAN 12 Pekanbaru.In SMA,she begun to like dance,she always follow dance practice in SMA.At the first,she think that she does not continue her education because she still confuse about her department.After that,she got suggestion from her aunt to continue her education in Lancang Kuning University in Rumbai.And she chose English Department in Education Faculty.She very spirited for her education because for education,she must tread 45 minutes from Garuda Sakti to Rumbai with drive her motorcycle and that to do during 6 times/weeks.She hope in the future,she can be a professional teacher and can teach all of people to be smart and helpful to others.And make our country to be advance country.

In spare time,she use to rest and usually she watch tv to entertain and to fresh her mind after the busy time all of days.The film that she like is Doraemon,although doraemon has not a new episode,she keep like it.In campus,at the rest time,she taking time to watch doraemon from youtube.Furthermore,she sleep to back her energy after do activities.and sometimes she eat the sate padang because she like it.Sometimes she eat sate padang with her family or her friends.