Sabtu, 23 Desember 2017

Words and Culture

Group 7
·         Hendra Juniaditra
·         Siska Dewi Wulandari
·         Siti Diyanah Maisurah

Whorfian claim that the structure of a language influence how its speaker view the world is today most usually associated with the linguist Sapir and his students Whorf,a chemical engineer by training,a fire prevention engineer by vocation,and a linguist by avocation.

Kinship terms are a universal feature of human language. Some systems are much richer than others, but all make use of such factors as gender, age, generation, blood, and marriage in their organization.It is very difficult to get an exhaustive description.As social conditions change, we can expect kinship systems to change to reflect the new conditions (Wardhaugh 228).

Prototype and  Prototypical
            Prototype is name of something that generally or in one group like Bird and flower while Prototypical is the name of something that more specific or part of general name like Rose,Lili and Tulip (that are part of flower) and Eagle,Toucan and Pigeon (that part of Bird).

            A color of world but the amount of color varies from place to place and time to time.Except to those blinded to it,color is all around but it is not everywhere treated in the same way.It is the language base on their region.
For Example : Brown (English) = Brun (Prancis)

Taboo and Euphimism
            Taboo is things people do not talk about and euphemism is things people talk about in a roundabout way. In society,it concerned with Behaviour believed to be harmful to society’s members for supernatural reasons, or regarded immoral or improper, because violating a moral code.And In language,it associated with things not said, and with words and expressions not used. .

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